We are so glad you are here

We are a Word of Faith Church!
No matter your age, your background, or who you are there is a place for you here. You'll experience the love of the family of God; hear relevant messages, enjoy compelling programs, inspiring music, and much more. We would like to invite you to come as you are and be who you are. Join us for our Sunday services!
Church is not something you go to, it's a family you belong to.
Here are some pictures from past events! It's always great company and lots of laughs at WOC.
If you need prayer today, please click the link below.
We would love to know how we can pray with you an encourage you today, please click the link below!

When two or more are gathered together in MY name, I am among them, Matthew 18:20
Please help us purchase the equipment to upgrade our live streaming capabilities . Upgrading our capabilities will allow us to reach more lives with the good news of Jesus.

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